Truth V. Lie is a royalty-free music track from SLO.

This is a mid-tempo electronic music track featuring light vocal effects, moody synths, and electric guitar solo effect.


Format: MP3 | BPM: 119 | Length: 3:05 | Bitrate: 192 kbps

The background “thanks” voice you hear in the demo is an audio watermark. This voice does not exist in licensed, downloadable tracks at SLO.

Truth V. Lie is offered royalty-free in perpetuity in the following digital audio formats:

(Lossy) MP3: 192 kbps

(Lossless – HQ) WAV, OGG. FLAC, etc. (Request a non-compressed version after you receive your Track License and receipt).

Once you download the licensed file to your own device, you can legally continue to use it for all kinds of creative projects or public Events at any time, anywhere – forever.

Tell us the non-compressed format you need, and we’ll deliver it.

Listen to the Demo:

License and Download MP3 (192 kbps) version here.


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