Sugar Rush is a royalty-free music track from SLOave.

The contemporary 120 BPM (Beats Per Minute) track is relatively fast, and yet wistful too. Features of this track include some light vocals, assertive piano chords, and intriguing percussive effects.

Sugar Rush has an upbeat “old west” vibe. It’s not much of a dance floor track, but it could work very well for many types of modern image productions.

Format: MP3 | BPM: 120 | Length: 3:22 | Bitrate: 192 kbps


Sugar Rush is available as a direct download.

If you are wondering about those background beeps and “thanks” voices you hear in the demo, they are audio watermarks. These audio glitches do not exist in the file you will download – so no worries.

This is a copyrighted, royalty-free music track which means that once you download the song to your own device, you can use this for all kinds of interesting projects or public Events at any time, anywhere – forever.

LICENSE Sugar Rush here.

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