Mark Of The Lucky is a royalty-free music track available for direct download from SLO.

At 69 BPM (Beats Per Minute), this is not a fast song. We will call it slow, but it is far from anything resembling a ballad!


Format: MP3 | BPM: 69 | Length: 4:37 | Bitrate: 192 kbps


This track is currently available as a direct download from our Music Room, along with a royalty-free license to reuse it for your own projects or Events.

If you are concerned about the odd beeps and voices you hear in the demo – don’t be. These sounds do not exist in the licensed file you will download – that’s a promise.

Once you have downloaded this song to your own device, you can legally use it for all kinds of interesting projects, advertisements, or Events.

We give you a direct license to use it.

And your license never expires.

And you’ll never owe us a penny in royalties.

LICENSE Mark Of The Lucky here.

SLO royalty-free music licensing means we get to share our creative assets with you – as quickly as possible and with no red-tape.

If you’d like, you can leave us feedback or comments below.